Part 4: Creating a napari plugin#


In addition to being a viewer accessible from Python, napari supports plugins to add functionality to the viewer and to bundle custom functions into a nice user interface.

In this tutorial, we will make a napari analysis plugin for the watershed segmentation we implemented in the previous section.

The steps in making a napari plugin are as follows:

  1. choose which manifest contribution(s) your plugin requires

  2. create a repository using the napari cookiecutter template

  3. implement your contributions

  4. share your plugin with the community

In the following sections, we will work through steps (1) - (3). For step (4) you can refer to the in depth plugin tutorial, or the instructions on

plugin example

Choosing a contribution#

A contribution is a list item in napari.yaml (the manifest file) that napari uses for each specific type of plugin. Each contribution conforms to a function signature, i.e. the function linked to the contribution defines what napari provides to the plugin (e.g., data and parameters) and what the plugin returns to napari. napari is then able to use the functions pointed to in napari.yaml to carry out the plugin tasks. The current categories of contributions are described below. Please see the contribution reference and contribution guide for more details. Many plugins declare multiple contributions to provide all of the desired functionality.

  • reader: allows loading of specified data formats into napari layers

  • writer: this allows layer data to be written to disk in specified formats

  • sample data: allows developers to provide users with sample data with their plugin.

  • widget: allows custom Qt widgets (GUIs) to be added to napari, either from a magic_factory widget, a plain function, or a subclass of QWidget

  • theme: allows customization of the entire napari viewer appearance e.g. light theme or dark theme

In this tutorial, we will create a widget to run the watershed segmentation from previous part of this workshop.

Using the cookiecutter template to create your plugin directory#

To make creating plugins easier, we provide a template that automatically builds most of the infrastructure for your plugin, so you can focus on implementing the details unique to your plugin. The template is provided using a command line utility called cookiecutter. In the following steps, you will build your plugin directory using the cookiecutter template.

In this next step, we will use cookiecutter to create a directory for our plugin from the template. cookiecutter will ask a series of questions that that will customize the directory for your plugin. Once completed, a new directory will be created in your current directory. It will come pre-initialised with a git repository.


You will be asked for some information to customize the setup of your plugin. Each prompt gives the default value in square brackets ([]). The questions are explained below. Enter your answer after the prompt and press enter to continue.

  • full_name [Napari Developer]: enter your name here. Names entered here will be listed as the authors of the plugin in the package metadata.

  • email []: this email will be listed as the contact information in the package metadata

  • github_username_or_organization [githubuser]: if you have a github username, you can enter it here. It will be used to generate a GitHub URL for you after you enter a plugin name.

  • plugin_name [napari-foobar]: enter the name you would like your plugin to be called. spaces are not allowed and are often replaced with - (e.g., napari-watershed). This will be your PyPI package name (if you choose to deploy your plugin).

  • Select github_repository_url: this is used for plugin metadata and is not required now. If you don’t plan to upload it to your github, select 2.

  • module_name [napari_foobar]: this is the name of the module containing your plugin code. Typically, this is the plugin name with the - replaced with _ (e.g., napari_watershed).

  • display_name [napari FooBar]: this name will show up in the napari viewer and on the napari hub if you release your plugin. You should pick something human readable and ideally indicative of what your plugin does. There are no restrictions on the symbols in this name.

  • short_description [A simple plugin to use with napari]: give a one sentence description of your plugin. This will go into the readme.

  • include_reader_plugin [y]: answer y (for yes) if you would like a reader contribution. We do not need a reader contribution for this tutorial, so answer n for no.

  • include_writer_plugin [y]: answer y (for yes) if you would like a writer contribution. We do not need a writer contribution for this tutorial, so answer n for no.

  • include_sample_data_plugin [y]: answer y (for yes) if you would like a sample data contribution. We do not need a sample data contribution for this tutorial, so answer n for no.

  • include_dock_widget_plugin [y]: answer y (for yes) if you would like a widget contribution. We are implementing a widget contribution for this tutorial, so answer y for yes.

  • use_git_tags_for_versioning [n]: we will not be covering setting plugin versions in this tutorial, so enter n for no.

  • install_precommit [n]: we will not be covering precommit in this tutorial, so enter n for no.

  • Select license: select the license you would like to use for your plugin. The license sets the rules for how others can build upon and re-use your plugin code. For more information on typical open source licenses, is a good primer. The default choice is BSD-3, which is common in the Scientific Python ecosystem.

After completing all of the questions, a directory will be created containing your new napari plugin. You will be given instructions on how to upload the initialized git repository to GitHub. By default, we will not be covering this aspect in the tutorial, but please feel free to ask the teaching team if you would like to give it a try. Your new plugin directory (assuming you called the plugin napari-watershed and the module napari_watershed) will be organized as follows (with some irrelevant files/folders omitted)

├── .github
│   └── workflows
│       └── test_and_deploy.yml
├── .napari
│   └──
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
├── src
│   └── napari_watershed
│       ├──
│       ├── napari.yaml
│       ├── _tests
│       │   ├──
│       │   └──
│       └──
└── tox.ini

See below for explanations about some of the most notable files, but do not hesitate to reach out to the teaching team if you have questions about any of the other files.

  • .github/workflows/test_and_deploy.yml: this is a github actions workflow that will automatically run the tests and upload your plugin to pypi (thus making it available through the built-in napari plugin browser. Please ask the teaching team if you would like to learn how to set up your github repository to support the workflow.

  • pyproject.toml and setup.cfg: these files allow your plugin to be built as a package and installed by pip. the cookiecutter template has set everything up in these files, so you are good to go!

  • the src/ folder contains all the python code for your plugin.

  • src/napari_watershed/ This file contains example implementations for different widget contributions. This is where you will add your points_watershed() function.

  • the src/napari_watershed/napari.yaml file declares commands and contributions for each example widget in the file. Look at these carefully and match up which command & contribution belong to what python code in the file.

You have now set up the directory for your new plugin! You can explore the directory and files with the file browser. In the next step, you will complete your plugin by adding your points_watershed() function to the file.

Implementing a function GUI#

In this step, we will implement our points_watershed() function as a plugin contribution. First, we will add our function to the plugin package. Then, we will add the type annotations to the function to so that napari can infer the correct GUI elements to add to our plugin.

We want to edit the file src/<module_name>/ The file contains some example code for using a qtpy widget, a magicgui.magic_factory widget, or even just a plain function with type annotations. We don’t need to customize our widget today so we will use only the plain function and can delete the rest. We can also rename the function to points_watershed.

We also need to edit napari.yaml to remove the other widgets and rename our function. Find the command ID that corresponds to the function widget:

- command: napari-watershed.make_func_widget
  autogenerate: true
  display_name: Example Function Widget

Rename that to whatever you called your function, make sure to leave autogenerate: true, and update the display name. Napari will then take our function and generate a widget for it automatically!

Now, you need to:

  • write a function points_watershed, that takes in a NumPy array of coordinates, a numpy array containing edge data, and a numpy array containing a mask, and produces a segmentation. The annotations should be napari.types.PointsData, napari.types.ImageData, and napari.types.LabelsData. The output annotation should be napari.types.LayerDataTuple — see the documentation for this. To write this function you can reuse code from the corresponding steps in the segmentation chapter.

  • make sure that you put in all the required imports at the top of the file.

  • install your plugin into your environment, with python -m pip install -e . at the root of your repository.

Testing/Installing your plugin#

Go back to the previous lesson and, if it’s still running, restart the kernel. Run it until you have your seed points, and then in the napari Viewer, click the “Plugin” menu — you should see your plugin function appear. Click on it, select the inputs, and check that the watershed result is produced and added to the viewer!

Congratulations! You have made your first napari plugin!

Explore the other files generated by cookiecutter#

Cookiecutter does a lot of work for us, but there is no magic — it’s good to understand what it’s doing. One important thing is telling napari that it’s made a plugin. It does this through Python entry points, which are annotated in the setup.cfg file as follows:

napari.manifest =
    napari-watershed = napari_watershed:napari.yaml

Bonus exercises#

If you have time, you can add more functions to your plugin:

  • edge filtering of the nuclei image to get the edges image

  • finding the centers of the nuclei using skimage.measure.peak_local_max

  • finding the mask using skimage.filters.threshold_li and scipy.ndimage.binary_fill_holes

You can then run the whole analysis entirely within napari! This can be a good way to share any scientific Python code with collaborators who may not know how to use Python.

Some more ideas:

  • add sample data to your plugin. To do so, you would need to implement the sample data contribution

  • add some tests to the _tests/ file.

  • upload your plugin to github

  • start your own plugin

  • consult with the teaching team about integrating napari into your workflow